SCI & Cabela’s Young Hunter Award Application


SCI & CABELA’S YOUNG HUNTER AWARD®: The SCI & Cabela’s Young Hunter Award, established in 1987, recognizes a young SCI member. To be eligible, the young hunter must be 15 to 21 years of age and do the following: be a current member of SCI, complete the application, compose a 500-word essay on the topic, “How I Am A Role Model for Hunting,” complete a hunter safety education certification course, obtain a letter of recommendation from an SCI chapter and obtain a letter of recommendation from a school administrator. The Record Book Committee is the selection committee for the Young Hunter Award. Applications are scored, based on 30 percent conservation work and community service, 25 percent hunting and outdoor experience, 25 percent role model for hunting (including essay), 10 percent SCI chapter recommendation and 10 percent Record Book Committee overall judgment of applicant. The two applicants with the highest overall percentage are declared the winners and both are recognized at the SCI Annual Hunters’ Convention. This award is sponsored by Cabela’s. Application deadline is September 1 of each award year.

Deadline for Application is September 1
ELIGIBILITY: Minimum 15 years of age, and not over 21, on Sept. 1 of the year prior to Convention. Application Form.

1. Valid Hunter Education Certificate.
2. A 3×5 or wallet size (school) photo of applicant.
3. Recommended by an SCI Chapter and your school.
4. If selected, applicant will be expected to attend the Annual SCI Convention.

Safari Club International
Attention: Young Hunter Award
4800 West Gates Pass Road
Tucson, Arizona 85745-9490


Denver SABLES Win STARS Award!

The Denver SABLES won the 2015 Stars Award from SCIF – Sables for their recruitment of new members, funding of education projects and education outdoor adventures for the members. Last year this group won second place so we moved up! Thank you to everyone who participated in our activities, donated to our education projects and continued or upgraded your SABLES memberships! We do make a difference to keep our hunting heritage for the future!

Brian Gliba – Pathfinder Award

A Million Blessings to Bob Adwar, Anthony Pace of Freedom Hunters and Russell Maclennan of SCI-Denver and owner of The Bluffs!!!! I’m at the SCI convention in Las Vegas about to receive the Pathfinder award for humanitarian efforts over the years. It comes with a safari hunt with Numzaan Safari Outfitter, a custom pair of boots from WC Russell’s, free customs clearance of any trophies from Fauna & Flora and all the Taxidermy for 3 beasts- the impala, warthog and a wildebeest
— with Bob Adwar.
