Denver SCI Chapter

Dear Colorado SCI Members and Advocates,

The practice of hunting predators with hounds has long been misunderstood and vilified. For many, the combination of hunting and our close bond with dogs stirs strong emotions, making predator hunting one of the most criticized aspects of our industry. That’s why it’s crucial to show the true heart of lion houndsmen—people deeply connected to their hounds and the land.

The project, Lionheart, reveals this unseen side, following five families across the West as they share their powerful stories of what it means to be a lion houndsman.

Thanks to support from the 100 Hunter Legacy Fund, the Weatherby Foundation, and others, Lionheart is now available online.

But we need your help.

Colorados Proposition #127 seeks to ban mountain lion hunting, which would severely disrupt wildlife management in the state. This measure ignores the importance of science-driven conservation and responsible wildlife management.

With your help, we can amplify the message and rally your following to protect the future of wildlife management in Colorado.

Heres How You Can Make an Impact:

  • Share Lionheart with your fellow Coloradans. We’ve included a link to the film and a folder of marketing assets below that you can use across your social channels.
  • Encourage your social media followers and Colorado neighbors to vote NO on Prop #127 this Election Day.

To make things easy, weve shared the link for Lionheart as well as a folder of photos for you to use in spreading awareness. Your support can help amplify this message and protect responsible wildlife management.


Colorado Needs Your Help

The battle is on between the extremists and the hunting community. Most, if not all, of the pro-hunting non-profit organizations are contributing to fight the ban on hunting—this time it’s to ban Mt Lion and Bobcat hunting. They want to stop hunting with dogs–and eventually all hunting.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Did you know that 145,000 Colorado resident hunting license holders are not registered to vote?? Take away the youth and there is still a huge number of hunters that need to register to vote and stop the ban on hunting! Talk to your friends and neighbors and those in your congregation and schools and ask them to VOTE NO on 127. Tell them to spread the message as well. We can win if we work together.


Good Afternoon Sportsmen and Women!!

We appreciate all of you that bought raffle tickets previously. We did very well on that raffle and the money is being spent on media to educate the voters to VOTE NO on Prop 127. The opposition has out-of-state-deep-pockets so we have to keep raising money to get the word out.

The CATS (Cats aren’t Trophies) had BIG OUT OF STATE money show up and they got enough signatures to get the measure on the ballot. This ballot measure is proposition 127 and it is asking voters to BAN HUNTING of Mountain Lions and Bobcats. They use the word TROPHY in regard to hunting. They want to BAN HUNTING with dogs (and they mean all hunting with dogs-ducks, pheasant, rabbits etc.) This takes the management of cats away from the Parks and Wildlife using ballot box biology rather than science. Putting the voters in the urban areas in charge of these predators rather than wildlife professionals.


If we don’t stand together, we will die alone. Take time to make a donation of any amount at SAVETHEHUNTCOLORADO.COM   Pass this along to all of your contacts, friends, congregation, co-workers, hunting and fishing buddies—you get the drill.

You can also buy raffle tickets for a 2 person guided deer hunt in Saskatchewan or a Gunwerks 300 PRC raffle package.


The proponents of this initiative are wielding misinformation as their weapon. They’ve coined the term “Trophy Hunting” to mislead the public and potential voters, veiling their true intentions behind a facade of concern over fair chase, cruelty, and mismanagement. We, the Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management, a 501(C-4) organization, have embarked on a painstaking journey of legal, educational, and logistical endeavors to quash this unfounded initiative.

Our mission is clear – to halt the advance of this anti-hunting agenda before it morphs into a nationwide ban on ALL HUNTING. The stakes are high, transcending beyond the borders of Colorado, beyond the fate of Mountain Lions and Bobcats.

Here are two articles that you can use to educate others and yourself.

What you need to know about the proposed Mt Lion hunting ban

What Happens in Colorado Won’t Stay Here

Go to  Donate, buy some tickets and get educated on the issue. Make sure your friends and family know to VOTE NO on Prop 127

Brett Axton, President

Colorado Chapter SCI


That is the ultimate goal of the anti-hunting community. The ballot measure on the November 5 ballot in Colorado is Proposition 127. The issue wants the voters to BAN MOUNTAIN LION, BOBCAT and LYNX HUNTING. The measure allows the hunting of these animals (you can’t hunt Lynx anyway—federally protected) for two weeks in December. However, it does not REQUIRE there be such a season. This is still a ban on hunting.

 If this passes, the next thing will be banning all hunting. One of the anti-hunting attendees at the Title Board meeting said that they want to stop all hunting with dogs. Not just wild cats ALL HUNTING WITH DOGS. No more pheasant and quail hunting or ducks and geese. They want all hunting to stop. They say that you can’t pursue with intent to harvest. Isn’t that HUNTING??!!

We cannot sit on the side lines and watch this happen. The wolves are a good start for these folks. Your deer and elk and birds and rabbits are next.

This hunting ban will replace Colorado’s time proven, successful, science-based wildlife management rules with ballot box biology that will destroy Colorado’s other wildlife populations.

Take a stand. This isn’t just a Colorado issue—this is coming to your state if it happens here. Go to and educate yourself and your friends. Make a donation if you can and know that the money is going to fight the battle that is raging here.







This is a fight to the death of hunting. We can’t sit on our hands now or hunting will be gone for the next generation and sooner in Colorado.

Drawing is October 19th and 100% of the proceeds goes to Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management to continue the fight.

Denver SCI Annual Banquet

Thanks to everyone who helped make our 45th Anniversary Banquet a huge success!

This year our fundraising needs were exceptionally important as we help fight ballot box biology and defend our right to hunt in Colorado.

Working with Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management, SCI chapters from across the country, and other major conservation organizations, we will fund the fight against the Ballot Initiative 91.

Learn more and support the cause now, by visiting

“We’re declaring 2024 the ‘Year of the Mountain Lion’ and we’re ramping up the fight against ballot box biology!” – Denver SCI


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 Click on the Donate button above to donate to the Denver SCI Chapter

A Look Back at 45 Years of Denver SCI

Denver SCI Chapter

I would like to introduce you to the Denver Chapter. Our chapter is made up of dedicated outdoors people- hunters and conservationists who have made the commitment to ensure that hunting and wildlife conservation will be preserved for our future generations. The Chapter members are an integral part of SCI by providing the funding through the local banquets to advocate for hunting world-wide. The great thing about raising money for the Chapter is that 70% gets to stay in the chapter to put into local projects such as humanitarian projects, education projects for teachers through the Denver Sables, conservation and youth projects.  Responding to local needs like helping to pay for a wildlife tunnel under a busy highway, sponsoring Colorado Youth Outdoors events, youth pheasant hunts, handicapped veterans and Craig hospital programs, and sponsoring teachers to the Outdoor Wilderness School at AWLS in Jackson Wyoming makes our fundraising efforts all worthwhile.

There is no separate membership to the Denver chapter but you are encouraged to affiliate yourself with a chapter since it is the best way to participate in your local hunting community. The Denver Chapter periodically sends out updates via the Constant Contact emails and you can see all that is happening though our website  You are welcome to attend any of our meetings which are usually held the first Tuesday of the month and are a combination of in-person meetings at the Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center and conference call meetings. Let me know if you would like to attend any meetings so you can get the meeting announcements via e-mail.

Ways to get involved with the Denver Chapter: 

  • Attend the annual meeting for all members, held in May or June each year.
  • Seek out possible donors, vendors for the banquet: hunts, art, or goods and services
  • Volunteer your special skills (writing, photography, sound, graphics, instruction)
  • Participate in Sables and chapter activities
  • Join the Sables to support the education arm of SCI
  • Support the Humanitarian projects of our chapter.
  • Attend the Trophy Room Tours throughout the year.
  • Share your trophy room for a cocktail party.
  • Connect with the legislative efforts at the state and Federal level to keep hunting possible in Colorado and across the United States.

The Chapter is inviting you to be a member at no charge. You only have to maintain your National SCI membership to be part of the Denver Chapter. If you do not wish to be a member of the Denver Chapter please let me know otherwise welcome to the Chapter.

Henry Snape, President


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The Cow Lot

The Cow Lot

1 Shot Gear


Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide.

Contact the National office at 1-888-SCI-HUNT or